Orphanage Saint Antoine Orphelina Saint Antoine
Campbellton had its own Orphanage, which opened its doors
in 1931, it was situated on Patterson street, next door
to the church Notre Dame des Neiges is now, the house used
is still being used by the nuns, Les Filles Marie de
L'Assomption. They were the ones who administered the orphanage.
This rectory became the home of many orphans

Here are some of the orphans and nuns

Front row
Mary Best, Rita Hache, Evelyne Best, Valmont Lebel (he died in WW2 in Europe)** and George Best

Second row
Eva Gingras, Alma Lebel, Jeanne Marie Hache, Clifton Best
Alexandre Lebel, Ernest Best and Jean Hache

Third row
Sisters Philomene Boudreau, Mary Green and Ella Levesque

Here is a bit of information which was sent to me by Darlene Beaton
Valmont Lebel was his mother's brother, and he sends this:
Valmont Lebel was my mother's brother, he died in WW2 in Europe. He is listed in the Book Of Remembrances, with the Government. He was the son of Jean Lebel and Elizabeth Roy. Elizabeth Roy died at around 55, of cancer.

Sister Green was one of the founding sisters, she passed away in 1999

The Orphanage , a home called the Champoux house, and an extension
were put together to form what you see here. It is still there today
known as the "Couvent Notre Dame des Neiges" situated next to the church
Notre Dame des Neiges

This page was designed by Irene Doyle Oct.1998

with copy of the pictures given to me by Sister Dugas