The first permanent settlement of the white people, in central New Brunswick, was in the year 1658 at Jemseg. There, 3 men Sir Thomas Temple, William Crowne and Charles LaTour, had received a grant of most of the land which is now New Brunswick. They established a large fur station and placed Captain Richard Walker in charge.

King Louis's treaty of Breda, gave Acadia back to the French on Aug. 27th/1676 and Captain Walker turned management of Jemseg to Joibert de Soulanges.

De Soulanges was born in Champagne, France, he married the daughter of Chartier Lotbiniere attorney general of Quebec. they had three children at Jemseg. His daughter Louise Elizabeth married the Marquis de Vaudreuil who was the Governor General of Canada for 22 years. She was also mother of the last French Governor of Canada..

In 1764 a Dutch pirate , yes pirate :)) of New York and St Domingo sailed up the St John River in hopes to seize the fur station. He demolished the trading post and took De Soulange as a prisonner bringing him to Boston. Gov. Chambly sent the children and DeSoulange's wife to Quebec. A ransom was asked for the return of DeSoulange. A thousand furs were sent by Frontenac, as luck would have it, they were stolen on route so DeSoulange remained a prisonner for almost 2 years.

Finally released, DeSoulange returned to Jemseg, he was granted land, and appointed Major of Penobscot and commander of the Jemseg fort. In 1678 he was appointed Governor of Acadia and died that year